Go.Asia 愛心起動 (http://www.go.asia) 為DotAsia 基金會(IRD 91/12820)旗下慈善項目,主張改變個人行為推動社會正向改變及可持續發展。旗艦項目包括為食起革命及我.惜.食.健康飲食教育。
Go.Asia (http://www.go.asia) is a platform under DotAsia Foundation. We advocate individual efforts to create positive changes to the society & sustainable development. Our flagship programs include: Food Revolution Hong Kong (www.frd.asia) & “Think.Cook.Save.” Food & Health Education (www.food.asia).
查詢 Enquiries: info@go.asia
健康空氣行動 (http://www.hongkongcan.org) 是本港最關注空氣污染的非牟利團體,目標是為香港爭取健康空氣,透過教育公眾及提倡不同的解決方案,藉以推動政策,達致目標。目前我們將關注重點放在路邊空氣污染,同時我們亦會密切留意及監察來自船舶、周邊地區及來自發電廠的污染。
Clean Air Network (http://www.hongkongcan.org) is an independent NGO that encourages the public to speak out about the health impacts of air pollution. Our vision is to build a Hong Kong with clean air. To achieve this vision, CAN dedicated to drive policy change by building knowledge, collaborating strategically and advocating solutions in a collaborative approach. Without losing sight on the pollution from regional activities, marine vessels and power plants, our current primary focus is on roadside pollution.
查詢 Enquiries: info@hongkongcan.org
Ajitora promotes sustainable development goals across Asia. Together we fight for better air and blue sky!