料理・好・空氣 x 為食起革命

Local Food Cooking Challenge



我們誠邀公眾於 5月期間參加 料理・好・空氣 x 為食起革命:本地食材自煮挑戰 (條件:至少使用一款本地食材),分享至自己的社交媒體、再挑戰親友,帶動全城自煮氣氛,支持本地食材、減低餐桌里程,料理‧好‧空氣!

How you can participate

Follow these simple steps to share recipes of your food creations using locally grown ingredients and post them on your social media. We also encourage you to invite your friends to take part in our challenge and have them complete the challenge by the end of May. Let’s reduce food miles by cooking from scratch with local ingredients!


你可以在發佈照片或短片的同時,使用以下文字: 我接受 [朋友的名字] 的挑戰,煮了 [菜式名稱]。使用的本地食材有 [列出本地食材及其他食材],煮法是 [烹調方法]。現在我邀請  [tag另一位或多位朋友的名字] 接受 餐桌里程:料理‧好‧空氣 本地食材自煮挑戰,使用 本地食材 煮出一款菜式 。如果你於1個月內無法接受挑選,你可以直接捐出不少於 $100,支持 健康空氣行動 及 Go.Asia愛心起動 的慈善工作,以抵消挑戰。活動及捐款詳情:www.foodair.asia #FoodAir #FoodRevolution #CleanAir #料理好空氣 #餐桌里程 #為食起革命 #健康空氣 #HealthyFoodHealthyAir


You can copy the text below for your post: I [insert your name] accept the challenge from [insert the name of your challenger] for “Healthy Food. Healthy Air. Cooking Challenge”, I have cooked [insert the name of your dish] with local ingredients [insert ingredients] and here is how I made the dish: [insert cooking methods]. I now invite [insert friend’s name and tag your friend] to accept the same cooking challenge. If you cannot complete this challenge, you can forfeit by donating a minimum amount of $100 to support Clean Air Network & Go.Asia charity works. Activity & Donation methods: www.foodair.asia #FoodAir #FoodRevolution #CleanAir #HealthyFoodHealthyAir

Let’s reduce food miles by cooking from scratch with local ingredients!


第 1 步 - Cooking | 入廚烹調並寫下步驟 (簡單列明食材及那一或數款為本地食材、烹調方法,如有心得可列明)

第 2 步 - Shooting | 拍攝照片(完成品或連步驟照片) 或短片

第 3 步 - Sharing | 分享至個人社交媒體 (如Facebook、 Instagram、YouTube 等),並hashtag #FoodAir #FoodRevolution #CleanAir #料理好空氣

第 4 步 - Challenge your friends | tag 至少 3 位朋友參與(多多益善),讓挑戰延續下去 **或可選擇以捐款抵消挑戰

捐款詳情,請 按此

有關食譜及分享內容將於 www.frd.asia 及「為食起革命」Facebook 專頁,不時更新發佈。

Steps to follow:

Step 1 – Cooking | Cook a dish and type your recipe (Please indicate the local ingredients used, cooking steps, and cooking tips if any)

Step 2 – Shooting | Take photos or make a short tutorial of your dish (You can provide a photo of your completed dish or photos with steps)

Step 3 – Sharing | Post the recipe & photo(s) of the dish on your social media (e.g. Facebook, Instagram & or Youtube) with the hashtags #FoodAir #FoodRevolution #CleanAir

Step 4 – Challenge your friends | Last but not least, don’t stop just there! Please invite and tag your friends to take part in this Cooking Challenge. Your friend has a month to decide to whether to accept the challenge or forfeit by donating a minimum amount of $100 to support Clean Air Network & Go.Asia’s charity work.

Please click here for donation methods. 

Recipes and more information will be updated via www.frd.asia and our Facebook page.